Seeking a way to manage controlled documents from a single, trusted source, OceanaGold chose InEight Document, a collaborative document management solution. With InEight Document, OceanaGold now has a document repository that allows for the capturing, controlling, versioning and distributing of corporate, operational and project documents. Because InEight Document is cloud-based, OceanaGold has a document control system that can be accessed from anywhere, including hundreds of feet below the surface of the earth. OceanaGold workers are often underground operating several pieces of equipment — pumps, ventilation systems, powerplants — and each must be operated by a standard procedure. “Our workers will be underground with a tablet, and they’re able to see all the procedures they need to operate it safely,” says Cawood. “InEight Document forms a key part of that.” OceanaGold works with Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractors, which makes for challenging times when it comes to acquiring documents and storing them in a place where people can find them. “It’s always difficult,” says Cawood. “InEight Document gives us a repository where we can store everything. It gives us a lot more control and governance for that compliance piece.” Cawood says InEight Document is also easy to use. “People are up and running with the product very quickly, and it’s been quite painless compared to its competitors.”
“People are up and running with the product very quickly, and it’s been quite painless compared to its competitors.”
-Chris Cawood, Chief Information Officer, OceanaGold